Birthday figures - examples and ways of decorating

Children's birthday belongs to the category of memorable events that I want to make the most vivid and unforgettable, so that the child would be happy, have fun and remember what a wonderful holiday the parents had arranged. Therefore, gifts are given, surprises are made, friends are invited, a birthday cake is bought, various decorations with festive symbols are invented. Of course, you can go to the store, buy balls or invite home professionals who will quickly and accurately decorate the house. But you must admit, this is not at all interesting! After all, it is not the decorations themselves that are important, but the process of their creation, as well as the wonderful memories left from the holiday and pre-holiday preparation. If you are considering options for decorating a holiday party, pay attention to these step-by-step instructions for decorating birthday figures with your own hands.

The most popular example of a number that corresponds to the age of a birthday man is an option made from small balls, usually ordered by parents on the Internet (although it’s very easy to do with your own hands). However, this type of decor has long become boring and boring. Now there are many more interesting and creative options that you can easily make yourself. They can be large or small, voluminous or flat, empty inside or filled with tinsel or scraps of paper (like the Mexican pianta toy), made in a "girlish" or "boyish" style (decorated with flowers and buds, pompoms and fringe). Let the flight of fantasy be unlimited, it is worth trying any shapes, colors, textures, sizes.

Making frames for large birthday numbers with your own hands

The first thing to start with is making a frame. Usually it is made of thick cardboard, which will not bend or break during the subsequent decoration. Then you should decide on the size of the future figures. If you plan to make a figure within the size of an A4 sheet, feel free to look for the desired number on the Internet, print it out on a printer.

If you want it to be larger than A4, you need to do the following:

  • Find a large resolution image on the Internet;
  • Print the picture on two / three (depending on size) A4 sheets on the printer;
  • Carefully cut each piece;
  • Connect all the parts end to end, fasten with adhesive tape;
  • The resulting digit template should be attached to a previously prepared sheet of cardboard of the desired size, circle around the contour;
  • Following on the resulting contour you need to cut a number;
  • If the birthday is more than 9 years old, this procedure should be repeated also with the second digit. For example, if a child turns 10, you need to cut out the numbers 1 and 0.

Thus, the skeleton flat figures finished. You can go ahead and make a volumetric figure. To do this, it is worthwhile to perform several additional steps:

  • After encircling the stencil and cutting out the 1st part of the product (frontal), you need to perform these actions again, getting the same 2nd figure (back).
  • Next we cut out the third figure, placing it in the end part of the product (forming a volume). The width of the tape corresponds to the width of the future figure. And the length should be equal to the perimeter of the figure (it is better to take it with a margin).
    For numbers with closed internal spaces (0, 6, 8, 9), it will be necessary to cut additional side portions of the desired width.
  • Then you need to connect the three parts of the figure (the back and frontal figures are located on the sides, the front tape in the middle), fasten them with scotch tape. It is better to use a sufficient amount of tape so that the product does not fall apart during decoration.

Important advice: The easiest way (if the width of the cardboard allows) is to cut one long tape, which will begin to gird the number in the front area, bending at the corners. It is much more convenient than cutting the individual pieces under each fold, fastening them together.

If you do not want to glue something, you can use foam or foam rubber as a base. In this case, you need to take a solid piece of foam (foam rubber) of the desired width (corresponding to the width of the finished figure), attach a stencil of numbers, circle it, cut along the contour. Thus, we get a voluminous figure. You can use scissors to cut foam rubber. Polyfoam will have to cut with a sharp knife.

Variants of decor figures with step by step instructions

When the base is prepared, you should choose one of the options for decorating the product. Choosing a method of decoration, it is better to rely on your own capabilities, the availability of a number of necessary materials, as well as the age, gender, preferences of the birthday man.

It should be noted that the decor will largely depend on the shape of the product (flat or volumetric figure). We hope that from the presented options you will find what you like.


In the case of decorating the figures with paper, you will need PVA glue, paper of different colors (textures), a prefabricated frame, a little imagination!

Handmade napkin flowers

Wipes make wonderful homemade flower buds. To make them, we take ordinary paper napkins, form them in piles with several napkins in each, fold the piles with an accordion, firmly tying them in the middle with a thread. Smooth and round up both ends. We begin to separate the napkins layer by layer, twisting their ends, forming a kind of flower buds.

The resulting buds are glued with PVA glue to the frame of the figure, trying to make sure that the cardboard is not translucent between them. The color of napkins can be chosen any, but shades of pink are preferable, as due to pink color the similarity with real colors will increase. Of course, this option would be more appropriate on the birthday of the girl.

Important advice: The more napkins to use when forming stacks, the more lush and bright buds will turn out.

Napkins can be rolled up according to the type of roll, slightly narrowed at the base and extended in the middle, giving them a resemblance to rosebuds. It is necessary to fix the buds on the hot glue as closely as possible to each other, so that an association with a lush bouquet of roses decorated in the form of a volumetric figure appears. To make these rolls comfortable to twist, it is worth wrapping them around the blunt edge of a pencil. This technique is called "trimming". Pink and red shades of paper will look impressive.

Paper flowers can be immediately cut out of napkins on a stencil, fasten several pieces with a thread in the center, and after straightening the layers, creating a voluminous flower. Or there is a way to cut a thin ribbon from a napkin in a spiral, and then tightly twist it into small charming buds of different diameters. The base made of foam rubber is perfect as a frame, since it is convenient to stick paper buds there using ordinary safety pins (only the buds must first be fixed with glue or threads so that they do not fall apart).
Each of these options is good in its own way, they all look very tender and feminine.

Fringed corrugated paper

From corrugated paper, cut with narrow ribbons, it turns out a pretty figure "in ruffles". To create such an effect, you need to cut the corrugation into pieces of suitable width, then stepwise glue paper ribbons onto the product, starting from the bottom row (the next layer should be higher than the previous one, covering its middle). The result is a semblance of a pleated skirt, in which the figure will be “dressed”. This option looks very elegant. If the product is voluminous, each layer must be completely wrapped around it, fastened and only then taken to the next level.

For greater visual effect, you can pre-cut the ribbons of the corrugations with "weed", making a sort of fringe from each piece of paper.

Tip: If you make a new layer different from the previous color, this option will be original and bright, which children will certainly like. You can decorate the figure in the form of a rainbow of 7 colors.

Wonderful flowers come out of the corrugations to decorate the birthday figures with their own hands. Step by step instructions for making:

  • We cut the paper into strips (approximate dimensions - 50x3 cm). On the resulting strips the veinlets should be placed vertically, have a height of 3 cm;
  • We stretch the ribbon from the top side, creating a kind of waves;
  • Bend the upper "wavy" part by about 5-8 mm;
  • We hold the ribbon by the lower non-wavy part, we begin to slowly twist;
  • Gradually it becomes noticeable that the lower part (1.5-2 cm in height) begins to form into a kind of leg, and the upper part into a flower bud, resembling a rose;
  • At the final stage we tie up a thread (a thin rubber band in the color of the paper) a part of the flower between the stem and the bud so that it does not unwind;
  • The resulting rosettes of corrugations glue on the frame.

In addition to napkins and corrugated paper, tulle (organza) can be used. Then the image of the product will become softer and airy. In general, these options (buds, pleating, fringe) can be made from different types of paper, according to your preferences.

the cloth

If the holiday party is scheduled on the street, and you are afraid of rain or you are simply not fond of paper fakes, you should pay attention to these amazing ways of decoration with the help of cloth.

Butterflies from bows

This wonderful way to decorate your birthday figures not only looks creative and stylish, but is also very simple to perform:

  • We take the fabric of the desired color;
  • Cut the fabric into ribbons of medium width;
  • We tie the ribbons into bows (too long narrow ribbons should not be done, as the bows can turn out to be "limp");
  • The bows are attached to the base of the figure with hot glue (you should first cover the frame with a fabric to match the color of the bows, so that the cardboard does not shine through them).

Your figure will look as if a flock of multicolored butterflies is sitting on it.

Fringe of thin ribbons

Thin and short ribbons can decorate the figure, making ribbons fringe. To do this, in the middle of the ribbon you need to tie a knot and glue it to the base. It should be noted that the knots must necessarily be close to each other to create a continuous multi-colored coating of fringe.

Satin flowers

This option looks amazing, and make it quite easy. Step by step instructions for making:

  • Cut out 3-4 circles from satin fabric (satin ribbon) (everyone should be a little smaller than the previous one);
  • We light a candle, slightly burn it with a flame of the edges of the fabric circles, so that they do not fringe and look like flower petals;
  • We put the petals into one another so that the smaller one is in the center;
  • Inside the resulting bud, you can stick a safety pin, attaching them to the frame (it is most convenient to use a foam base).


To create this original image for your birthday, you will need a cardboard base and a ball of yarn. To create it, you need to take threads, fasten them on the basis of double-sided tape or PVA glue, then wrap the figure abundantly so that the cardboard gaps are not visible. You can give complete freedom of imagination: use different colors, in any quantity and sequence, create patterns or even inscriptions from threads. You can use gradient threads (changing color as the coil is unraveled).

Also an interesting option is to create a figure by braiding small carnations stitched into a wooden plank with threads. Carnations form the frame of the figure, and with the help of threads, its contour and internal color content are created. In this case, it turns out this picture, made by hand.

Other materials

Wonderful decor figures can be made from family photos, which depicts the birthday boy and his relatives. This is one of the most simple, bright and emotional options in our collection. All you need to do is paste real or printed on the printer and cut the photo on the frame figures.

You can even attach photos to the wall with number-shaped pins. The main thing - to choose a truly happy and joyful pictures, where there is a smiling birthday boy.

You can make a figure out of what the child is interested. For example, to create a base from the designer Lego, decorate it with balloons, fresh flowers, buttons, stamps, coins, using papier-mâché technique, using dry leaves or flowers (if he likes to collect them for herbarium). The main thing - a creative approach, the desire to surprise and please a loved one. By the way, this gift will appeal to both the child and the adult.

The figure with your own hands will be an excellent birthday gift for parents, brother, sister or close friend.

Watch the video: how to make chocolate garnishes decorations tutorial PART 2 how to cook that ann reardon (April 2024).

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