The combination of colors in the interior of the kitchen

Color has a huge impact on people, because the choice of color interior decoration is always very important. Make the room monochrome or bright, everyone decides for himself. Proper combination of colors in the kitchen, as in any other room of the apartment, in a private house, will allow to hide the disadvantages of the space, emphasizing the dignity, preserving the best mood of guests and hosts, a sense of coziness and comfort.

Psychological effect of color on a person

Each color in its own way affects a person, his mood, and well-being. The last few centuries, different colors are considered symbols of all sorts of things and phenomena. Orange is associated with fire, red with the sun, passion, yellow with grain, gold and wealth, white with cold, purity, green with nature, blue with the sea, black with the earth, otherworldly worlds, etc.

How some interior colors affect people:

  • Red - the most "strong" color, has the ability to excite, tire, disturb. It speeds up breathing, pressure, heartbeat, and also increases sexual activity. Apply it in the interior should be very careful;
  • orange - associated with celebrations, holidays, stimulates the psyche, activates blood circulation, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, helps digest food;
  • yellow - creates a feeling of "childish" carelessness, stimulates mental activity, increases efficiency, reminds of sunny days, even in cloudy weather;
  • green is the "color of life", very useful for the eyes. It soothes, refreshes, reduces appetite. Bright shades give the interior nobility, luxury;
  • blue - reduces pressure, improves overall health. A room decorated in such tones seems cool, but when there is a lot of blue, it evokes anguish, apathy;
  • blue - pacifies, but it is alarming for some. Kohler is considered to be strict, cold, adjusting to the working mood, but it is better to avoid overly dark shades, so as not to obscure the space;
  • Violet is solemn and luxurious, it stimulates the respiratory organs, normalizes heart activity, promotes recovery from a cold. But color is contraindicated for persons with unstable mentality, as it causes fatigue, nervousness, and is capable of frightening;
  • white - soothes, clarifies thoughts, creates positive emotions, it is noble and wise, unable to bear any negative;
  • black is noble and gloomy, luxurious and frightening. It is not used in rooms where there are often small children, unbalanced, visually impaired, elderly people, because the color of them causes them to have negative emotions.

Basic combination rules

At registration of kitchen the most popular options are considered:

  • gray - with dark pink, purple, scarlet, blue;
  • beige - with brown, blue, snow-white;
  • red - with orange, sunny yellow, greenish, black;
  • orange - with violet, rich lilac, blue, yellow;
  • green - with chestnut, yellow, black, peach;
  • pink - with white, turquoise, cold brown, olive;
  • brown - with a sky blue, creamy yellow, soft green;
  • yellow - with gray, black, green, blue, brownish-beige;
  • blue - with asphalt-gray, orange, white, pink;
  • blue - with purple, orange, emerald green;
  • violet - with light blue, bright yellow, red.

Colors such as black and white can be combined with any other in any proportions. Designers believe that incompatible colors do not exist - you just need to correctly choose the shades.

Rule "60 to 30 to 10"

The essence of this concept, consisting of three elements, is as follows: first, it is determined which color will be the main color - about 60% of the entire clearance space should be painted into it. The second color is optional, it will take about 30% of the room. Less than 10 percent will remain on accents - small decor, "contours" and so on.

The basic tone is usually painted walls, floor. It is desirable that it is light, as overly saturated, dark colors quickly get bored. If it is decided to make the background bright, then everything else is made much paler. An additional color scheme designed to “liven up” the space should be well combined with other colors used in the design of the room. They make out curtains, furniture draperies and facades. Accent color takes the least space, but is the brightest. It will be paintings on the walls and beautiful dishes, some elements on the wallpaper, embroidery on cushions, a flower on the windowsill.

Accent Color Rule

An excellent solution - a combination of one of the basic colors, one of its shades with black or white accents. Modern designers often replace white with silver, steel, and black with dark and dark blue, which makes the design a bit softer. Accent color gives the picture dynamism - the farther it is located from the rest used, the more it attracts attention. Such a combination as "blue - green" gives low dynamics (calm), "green - purple" - medium (creativity), "red - green" - high (movement).

Style combinations

Each interior style corresponds to a specific set of color combinations:

  • classic - characterized by smooth surfaces of furniture, made in natural, mostly bright colors. For the background fits matte green, burgundy, yellow brown. Excessive contrasts are undesirable;
  • neoclassicism - performed in pastel shades of wood, greenery, pink and blue;
  • minimalism - as low as possible, contrasted. Here pure white, red, yellow, black, gray tones are used;
  • Provence - the main color is chosen as light as possible: cream, pistachio, pale yellow. Textiles have floral ornaments, furniture - creamy white, beige shades;
  • hi-tech - performed in steel tones with the addition of black, blue, green. Vivid contrasts are present as the rarest exception;
  • Mediterranean - for the apron motley ceramic tiles are used, for the floor - brick-brown, white and blue rough furniture, the walls are made of olive, beige, apricot;
  • Loft - brown shades of natural wood with a greenish patina in some areas, furniture is made out. The floor and ceiling are made dark, as the style is used only in large rooms;
  • ecological - here the natural combinations of greenery (from mint to dark green) with brown (terracotta, chocolate, sepia, etc.) reign;
  • Art Nouveau - interesting in a variety of colors. There are many contrasts here, bright stained glass windows, brilliant iron, all kinds of ceramic parts are used;
  • Chinese is any combination of red, black, brown and yellowish white. Accents will be hieroglyphs on the walls, wallpaper, and ceramic vases.

Color wheel, main combinations, rule of combination of primary, secondary colors

To as accurately as possible to imagine how to choose the right color for the kitchen, you should look at the color wheel. It exists in two versions: Mansela (there are five primary colors, the same additional colors) and Ittena (three main colors, three minor colors, six intermediate colors). Most experts use a variant of Ittena, consisting of 12 parts, but, although in the Mansell version there is no orange color scheme, when selecting complementary colors, its circle is more accurate.

The main colors of the circle Ittena - red, yellow, blue. All others are derivatives of them. Three minor colors - purple, orange, green, are formed by pairwise mixing the main ones. The colors of the third order, of which there are 12, are obtained from the basic ones mixed with the minor ones, but necessarily located side by side. These include blue-violet, orange-red, green-yellow, violet-red, yellow-orange, etc. All colors vary in saturation, lightness, also emit warm and cold.

Most commonly used:

  • complementary combinations: green - red, orange - blue, violet - yellow;
  • the classic compilation of three colors: blue-yellow-red, green-purple-orange;
  • Analog design - three to five colors, located on the color wheel, one after another.

When white is added to any color, its saturation decreases, while black is increased.

Kitchen color options

With the help of color, the kitchen room is made more or less, already or wider. A room in bluish, gray-green tones seems more spacious than a space of the same area, colored red-orange.

When the ceiling in the kitchen is low, it is not recommended to make wide borders-ornaments, and in high rooms a “paint line” will look good - a thin line applied 40-70 cm from the ceiling. This technique will expand the space, making the ceilings visually lower. If the room is narrow, elongated, and the window is located on the end, it looks ugly. To reduce the effect, the “long” walls are painted in a bright neutral tone, the short ones - warm and bright.

In most cases, the ceiling is painted white, but a pale yellow, beige-gray tone will add to the coziness of the kitchen. To correct the shape of a small room, but with an excessively high ceiling, the latter is painted grayish brown, pale olive, reddish-brick color scheme.

The room is made out completely in one color, several shades of it, or create multiple contrasts, using at the same time two or three tones. Proper use of opposite colors or located next to each other, will allow you to create any suitable design.

The natural woody tones of the furniture in light shades are perfectly combined with brightly painted walls, always looking good.

Monochrome or monochrome

A monochrome room is colored in the same color with the addition of its shades of varying degrees of saturation. She looks elegant, very peaceful. To make the kitchen room not look boring, dull, follow simple rules:

  • use at least two or three additional shades, except the dominant one;
  • use materials of different textures - on wood and ceramic tiles, MDF and stone, the same colors look completely different;
  • the zoning is produced by different shades of the main color scheme, while it is possible to correct the unfortunate shape of the room.

In a monochrome room it is permissible to use several contrasting details, but not too much.


Three-color version of the kitchen design - the best solution for premises of any size. Here, any three color schemes are used that are spaced at the same distance on the color wheel. The combination comes out bright, contrasting, pleasant look. The selected colors are not used in equal proportions - here, sometimes with small deviations, the rule is 60-30-10.

The most popular combination of the following tones:

  • bright blue - red - golden yellow;
  • copper yellow - rose red - blue;
  • tangerine - light green - lilac;
  • gray-violet - protective green - pale orange;
  • light pink - lime - bluish-purple.


Contrasting kitchen looks lively, dynamic, but with the design it is important not to overdo it - a large number of bright details makes the interior aggressive, uncomfortable.

Popular combinations for a two-color contrast room:

  • dark blue with red-orange;
  • pomegranate with indigo;
  • sunny yellow with bluish black;
  • purple with gold;
  • frosty blue with pale peach;
  • coffee with milk;
  • black-gray with snow-white;
  • scarlet with black and brown;
  • silver with maroon red;
  • emerald green with olive black;
  • lime with eggplant;
  • basalt gray with burgundy;
  • purple with almond;
  • lilac with raspberry.


Analog color schemes on the color wheel are nearby - they are not shades of a single color scheme, but completely independent colors. This design is best suited for the kitchen, creating a cozy, relaxed atmosphere. It is important to distribute the shades so that there is no excessive variegation, the background is soft. Paints of the same brightness are preferred: orange-yellow-green, burgundy-red-orange, blue-violet-burgundy, etc. At the same time, two or three colors are used, one of which is predominant.

Achromatic or black and white

Black and white version is performed exclusively contrast or replete with soft gradient transitions. In addition to pure black, cool white, here it is allowed to use metallic tones (steel, chrome, silver), slight inclusions of olive, terracotta, coffee, beige, dark blue.

Here they follow the rule: “white top - black bottom”. Against the background of motley walls they put solid furniture and vice versa. Zebra and chess prints look good. For a combined or overly spacious room, an option is suitable when on one side the room is bright with dark furniture, on the other - black walls, the floor, but the other objects are white.

Characteristics of the main colors, their compatibility with others

Rooms decorated in different shades of one color and painted with several contrasting tones will have a very different "mood". What is taken into account when choosing colors:

  • only one color is taken as the main or dominant one;
  • when the interior is multicolored, two to five colors are used for the background, one or two for the headset;
  • matte surfaces to a varying degree "muffle" the brightness of any hue, glossy - increase saturation, "depth" of tone;
  • the decor is often accentuated because it is performed in the brightest colors;
  • the best way to make the interior harmonious.


The kitchen, made in red colors, is always bright, memorable, creating a feeling of celebration. Color stimulates the appetite, but makes you eat quickly, because it is often used in cafes. Excessively bright shades hide the space - scarlet, burgundy, rich pink tones suit small rooms only in pastel form or as accent ones. In the kitchen, red is combined with snow-white, golden, gray, black-brown.


Calm green color scheme is easiest to implement in the form of living plants on window sills, in wall pots, floor vases. Greens calm shades reduces the feeling of hunger, which is useful for those who decided to lose weight. The combination with lemon yellow makes the space cheerful, with black and gold - gives solemnity, with blue - freshness. In the kitchen, green, especially in combination with neutral blue, helps to relax over a cup of tea, relax, positively affecting the eyesight and psyche.


It is desirable to use shades of blue in sunny rooms - the larger the room, the brighter it is lit, the more saturated the colors in it are permissible to use. Kohler soothes, reduces appetite, adds room coolness. The best combinations are with sandy yellow, pale pink, snow white, purple. Combinations with black in the kitchen are not desirable, as the interior will be gloomy, with brown - it does not look very nice. The recreation area or the dining area here is distinguished by photo wallpapers depicting the underwater world, the sky with clouds, bouquets of bluebells, and cornflowers.


Bright purple is best suited for the design of the working kitchen area, its pastel shades - for a place of rest. Dark versions are usually made accent - framing geometric patterns on facades, wallpaper, prints with eggplants and grapes, pictures with gladioli, violets, orchids, etc. The most beautiful combinations are with olive yellow, carrot, pink, white, platinum.


The orange cuisine is sunny and appetizing. It is nice to eat and cook and spend time with guests. Any, even the most gloomy room, painted in "orange", will become warmer and lighter. But excessive brightness in narrow and low rooms should be avoided - the space will visually become narrower. Especially beautiful look combinations with green, steel, transparent blue, beige, violet.


Lamps are made yellow in the kitchen - this light is suitable for the dining area, a working mini-office, if provided. This color is light wood, some types of ceramics. The best combination - with a sky-blue, light green, brown-red. Black contrast accents add dynamism to the room, dark blue ones are also acceptable.

A light yellow color scheme is recommended as the main background color, the best accents are gold.


From the white interior breathes purity, frosty freshness. Combinations with black and various shades of gray are the most popular - smooth gradients made in similar colors look especially good. Completely snow-white interior is complemented by rare accents of scarlet, black and blue, chocolate brown. A kitchen apron here is decorated with white-brick panels, the floors are covered with white laminate, the suite itself is made of bleached oak or its high-quality imitation.

Factors affecting the choice of colors

При выборе подходящей расцветки для кухни имеет значение грамотное цветовое сочетание всех предметов и поверхностей, площадь кухни, место расположения композиционного центра комнаты, источников освещения, выбор подходящего фона.

Professional designers advise:

  • Regardless of the chosen color scheme, the ceiling should be the lightest, the floor should be the darkest. Walls are made averaged shade or match the tone of the floor covering;
  • with a few exceptions, it is advisable to use no more than three colors: the main one, occupying 60-65% of the space, additional, which will have 30-35%, accent is 5-10% of the clearance area. Excessive multicolor sometimes turns into an unsystematic mess;
  • background color in small rooms is usually made matte - light or medium degree of saturation. For larger rooms, bright and shiny options are acceptable;
  • It is important to take into account the illumination of space and the side of the world - for the north, north-west side, the warmest, lightest tones are used. The same goes for narrow, cramped rooms with low ceilings. For spacious southern, southeastern rooms with a high ceiling, cold tones of various degrees of saturation are used;
  • A kind of "starting point" of the kitchen interior is usually a set, as this is the most expensive part of the kitchen interior. In other cases, the main becomes wall decoration, textile decoration of upholstered furniture (if available).

For the working area, namely, worktops, kitchen apron, it is recommended to choose practical materials, non-marking colors, so that you do not have to spend an excessive amount of time and effort on their laundering from contamination. The living or dining area is the easiest to highlight in color, but a smaller area is shaped in a lighter tone.

How not to be mistaken with the choice of colors of furniture

Most modern manufacturers of kitchen furniture perform it in the entire palette of colors. Experts recommend purchasing furniture that will be two or three tones darker than the walls, but slightly lighter than the floor. The classic version is a wooden set, made in the colors of stained or bleached oak, ash or wenge, pine or cherry. Two-tone combinations are also popular, but the upper wall cabinets are made lighter than the lower ones - so that the situation has acquired visual stability.

Kitchen appliances are most often white, although, if necessary, their color is chosen - black, brown, silver, light green or whatever. If, however, it was not possible to select it for the background color, it is permissible to embed most of the objects behind the “deaf” doors of the facades of the headset.

In order not to be mistaken in the choice of furniture color scheme, do the following:

  • make up a project - this is done for money, when you turn to a specialist or for free through online designers who are found on almost every site related to design;
  • the basis will be any photo you like, but to apply it "on the ground" you will have to work;
  • It is important to first analyze the proposed color scheme - "like - dislike" - while guided by both personal feelings and the recommendations of professionals.

When self-drawing kitchens in simple graphic editors, it is permissible to use the pipette tool, so that the chosen color scheme coincides as much as possible with the one stated in the catalog.


Competent selection of colors of the kitchen interior creates a unique, memorable design. The room is made monophonic, two-color or multi-color. Correctly select the desired combination is recommended for a special table that has the form of a circle. The most interesting variants of kitchen design in any color are published daily on the Internet, as well as the pages of fashion magazines on the subject of design.

Watch the video: Modular Kitchen Designs Colour Combination - Gif Maker (April 2024).

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