Home flowering plants

Nature lovers can admire beautiful plants endlessly. Home flowers create mood, fill life with bright colors. It is rare to find a house or apartment without pots with greens. The fashion for them does not pass, only the interest to the art of interior decoration in such a way is rapidly increasing. There are many types of indoor flowers, differing in size, mode of cultivation and other features. Some varieties are designed for single planting, when others will look better in a green composition on the background of grass or among climbers.

The advantages and disadvantages of plants in the interior

Houseplants purify the air and improve the indoor microclimate in a natural way. The green color of the leaves has a positive effect on the psyche, calms, suppresses arousal. Many species have healing properties, are used as fragrant spices, moisturize the air, smooth temperature drops.

In the interior of the kitchen will look great plants with massive leaves. They are able to absorb harmful impurities and unpleasant odor. They are easy to care for - just wipe the green surface from the dust. The walls of the dining room, the top lockers of the set can be decorated with pots with fast-growing vines. Especially hardy species will take place near the plate, away from the window. Decorative plants in the kitchen will delight not only stunning colors, but also unusual fruits. Peppers and citrus fruits are often grown on the windowsill.

The interior of the bedroom must be placed flowering plants. With their stunning appearance, they are able to adjust household members to a positive perception of what is happening, to create a joyful atmosphere. Due to tall and climbing plants, you can visually raise the ceiling, to organize an unobtrusive zoning. For this purpose, suitable grass and woody vegetation. The background for them may be walls or furniture.

To acquire this or that crop is necessary only with full confidence that suitable growing conditions have been created for it. All pieces of indoor flowers should look perfect. The only drawback of landscaping is the need for constant monitoring of the condition of the plants, careful care, taking into account the requirements of each flower.

Classification of indoor plants

Different types of plants are suitable for home cultivation. They are turned on with a specific purpose - to obtain therapeutic juice from the leaves, purify the air, improve the environment, as a decor. Each culture has its own peculiarities of care and placement requirements. All home flowers can be divided into four groups:

  • Decorative flowering. Plants with different flowering period, after which their leaves do not die off;
  • Decorative flowering pot. Used to create temporary flowering compositions. After losing color, the stems are removed, leaving only the tubers. They can be used next year;
  • Decorative leafy. The leaves remain green all year round. Many species do not have periodic flowering;
  • Succulents. Grow very slowly, have dense stems and leaves with a large supply of moisture. Cactus unpretentious care, prefer arid climate.

Care, watering and reproduction of popular indoor flowers

The maintenance of plants at home is significantly different from cultivation in the open field. So that they always remain fresh and bright, they need to provide good care. For each type it will be individual. Decorative flowering, deciduous need a stable temperature, humidity, ensuring rest during the growing season. Cacti love dry soil and direct sunlight.

Abutilon - room maple

At home, the hybrid varieties take root better. Plants with large flowers in the form of hanging bells can be in the form of a bush or stab tree. Appearance is formed by trimming. The ideal temperature for a tropical plant is 20-25 ° C in the summer, 15-18 ° C in the winter. With a significant cooling, up to 10 ° C, maple can lose all the leaves. Lighting fits bright, diffused. With its lack of noticeably shrinking buds.

Water abutilon room must be often and abundant. Especially unacceptable drying of the soil in the vegetative period. If the plant does not bloom in due time, 3 months after planting the seeds, it means that it lacks coverage. You can propagate decorative maple seeds or cuttings. The plant grows very quickly.

The lack of moisture in the decorative maple is manifested by an active reset of the buds. Excessive hydration is indicated by a drooping stem and branches.


Herbaceous plant with short fleshy stems looks like a bush. Leaves form almost from the base, gradually acquiring an oval pointed shape. Their color depends on the variety. Popular varieties - painted, short-covering aglaonema, peacock, "Copenhagen". Evergreen perennial blooms rarely, only in favorable conditions.

The plant does not tolerate direct sun, but requires regular hydration. Species with leaf patterns must be kept in the penumbra, otherwise the pattern may be distorted or disappear altogether. The plant develops well at a temperature of 20-25 ° C. To beautiful leaves always remain bright and large, it is necessary to maintain the average humidity in the room and avoid drafts.

The easiest way to replicate aglaonema is cutting. Cut the top of the stem, divided into parts and placed in a mixture of sand and peat. Also use seed planting. It is necessary to wait for flowering and the appearance of the seed, to collect material and germinate in fertile soil.


The small tree has a thick base and many short branches in the upper part. On velvety shoots grow large velvet leaves and white and pink flowers. The light-loving plant from the group of succulents develops well on a well-lit window sill. In the summer, it is imperative to turn it around so as not to burn the area of ​​the trunk facing the light.

Water adenium as the soil dries. For air temperature and moisture conditions, the flower is not whimsical. During the period of active growth of its greens can be sprayed infrequently. Propagate the plant with seeds, apical cuttings, air layering.


A popular plant is appreciated due to its abundant and long flowering. To enjoy the beauty of color, it is necessary to ensure proper care of the bush. The conditions of stay on the windowsill should be as close to natural as possible.

Azalea develops well in partial shade. She needs air, so in the summer the pot is taken out into the street. Water the plant often, not allowing the substrate to dry. Loosening is excluded due to the special structure of the roots and their fragility.

Increase flowering due to regular pinching and pruning. All small shoots next to the buds must be removed, not allowing the flower to bush. At home, propagated by cutting or dividing the bush.


Exotic plant rarely blooms. Long stems grow from one base, ending in single large leaves. The juice of alokazii poisonous, in contact with the skin or mucous membrane causes severe irritation.

For full growth of the flower requires a bright light. Moisturizing requires not only the soil, but also the leaves. They should be sprayed periodically. It is possible to increase the number of copies by cutting, by dividing rhizomes and tubers. Seed method is rarely used. To obtain seed Alokaziya need to pollinate.


Another name for the plant is Agave. It is very popular due to its healing properties. Completely unpretentious indoor flower, easily tolerates a lack of moisture. Water it once a week with warm water. Aloe does not need additional humidification of the air and spraying. Grows rapidly in illuminated, ventilated places.

Aloe vegetatively divided. In early spring, a suitable cutting is cut and placed in a container with water for rooting. Also separate the escape from the roots can be transplanted.


A beautiful bright plant with large flowers of unique shape requires good care. For a tropical flower, the ideal air temperature will be 20-28 ° C. In winter, it should not drop to 15 ° C. Plant a plant in a narrow and high pot so that the growth energy goes not into the roots, but into leaves and flowers.

Anthurium fairly moderate diffuse lighting and one watering per week. Additional moistening can be carried out with the help of a spray or a grading method. If it is necessary to propagate the copy you like with red large flowers, resort to separating part of the roots from the birthing shrub, break off part of the shoot with roots or carefully separate the top of the stem and root it.


The original tropical plant will decorate the apartment all year round with bright flowers and variegated leaves. It is difficult to grow it, because you will need to follow many rules that are not typical of traditional indoor flowers. Land in aphelandra pot should always be wet. In the summer, it should be sprayed several times a day.

For reproduction using the method of cutting. One-year shoots are cut, treated with root growth stimulants and placed in wet sand. Seed division is complicated by the peculiarity of fruiting afelandra. After this process, the parent plant often dies.


Houses on the windowsill can grow begonia creeping, shrub, upright. Thanks to a well-developed root system, any kind of flower quickly takes root in a new pot and simply multiplies. Use leaf, stem cutting, division of the bush.

In summer, the plant must be abundantly watered. In winter, humidification is reduced to one watering per month; tuberous species do not moisturize at all. Blooming species need a bright light at any time of the year, deciduous varieties must be protected from the direct sun.

Vallota, Hippeastrum and Clivia

In non-flowering form, these bulbous plants are very similar. You can distinguish them, if you look closely at the shape of the bulbs, the location and color of the leaves. The tip of the leaf of hippeastrum is compacted and slightly rounded, the bulb is light green and placed half in the ground.

Clivia leaves are very dark and dense, the bulb is absent, the roots are thickened. Instead of the central vein, there are transverse, longitudinal strips.

In vallota, the leaves are darker with a weak longitudinal vein. The neck is massive without a clear transition into the bulb. The main difference between the flower and the outwardly similar ones is the way of formation of shoots. They appear on the small "legs" at the top of the bulb.

Room geranium (pelargonium)

In all types of pelargonium there is a rapid increase in height. In order for the stems not to become bold, they must be cut off periodically. Watering is moderate and uniform throughout the year. Due to its ability to accumulate moisture, a flower can grow for a long time without water. Spraying is not necessary, it only hurts the flowers.

Pelargonium reproduces simply. The cuttings root quickly, and the seeds germinate without creating greenhouse conditions. If the bush has grown much, it can be divided into parts and transplanted in separate pots during transplantation.

Hibiscus - Chinese Rose

Absolutely unpretentious plant, resistant to temperature changes, lowering to a negative mark. It is necessary to grow hibiscus on the southern window-sill, having covered the glass from the scorching sun at lunchtime with a special grid for dispersion. In full shade the flower will not take root. It is better to water in the drop way, alternating with spraying.

The Chinese rose is easily propagated by apical cutting, division of shoots, seed method. The slices are treated with a special liquid and planted before rooting in the sand.


For plants preferably cool rooms with moderate lighting. A large amount of daylight gloxinia will be required during the forcing period, to improve growth, you can add a few hours in the morning and evening with the help of artificial sources. Watering frequent, small portions. After falling off of color and in winter the plant is not moistened. The ground part is removed, and the pot is rearranged to a cold corner of the shade. The division occurs leaf, stem, root method.

Seed propagation is rarely used. This is due to the difficulties of growing plants from scratch at home, a possible inconsistency with the variety of purchased material.


The herb has the appearance of a bundle of long, leathery leaves. At the age of 2-3 years, Hummania blooms. After the fall of the color the plant fades, lives for about a year. During this time, let the young shoots that must be time to separate for reproduction.

Guzmania is thermophilic and moisture-loving, needs daily spraying. It is necessary to moisten the leaf outlet with liquid every week. The plant does not tolerate drafts and direct sunlight.

Decembrist or Christmas card

The representative of forest cacti at home plentifully and continuously blooms in winter. The room temperature is ideal for him, but during the period of rest, before and after flowering, it should be reduced to 15 ° C. The intensity of watering is adjusted to the growing season. Enhance moisture during flowering.

Separate the Decembrist only after flowering. Choose a stalk with 2-3 segments and unscrew from the base in a clockwise direction. Put it in the substrate and create a greenhouse effect.

Money Tree

Caring for jade is very simple. The plant is unpretentious, can remain for a long time without watering, even in summer. Proper development is ensured by periodic feeding, wiping sheets from dust, removing shoots. From the stiff branches you can easily form a beautiful bonsai or a lush bush.

The plant loves the light. With its lack of a trunk will reach up and weaken. In the heat, watering is necessary 2 times a week, with the onset of cold weather - once a month. When spraying and warming the soul, the ground should be covered with a film.

Money tree blooms rarely, so the seed method of reproduction is almost never used. It is very convenient division cuttings (leaves and stem segments). They can be germinated in water or immediately landed in the ground without roots. They are guaranteed to be accepted.


Ornamental tree with sprawling narrow leaves are often used for gardening offices. Unpretentious care allows you to keep a small palm tree in unfavorable conditions for plants. Depending on the variety, you can choose a trendy floor, wall version.

The best conditions for dracaena are the absence of drafts, the air temperature is 20-25 ° С, frequent spraying. Propagated by apical stem stem cutting. Seed disembarkation is performed exclusively by experts in suitable conditions.


Grassy flower grows slowly. Blossoms very rarely, only with proper care. Zamiokulkas, accustomed to hot climates, cannot be watered often, it tolerates drought well. Comfortable temperature - 18-28 ° C. Raising the temperature of the thermometer, he easily transfers, lowering him disastrous. Watering is not often, taking long breaks to completely dry the ground. In winter, hydration is stopped.

Zamiokulkas is simply propagated by leaf cutting. Even a fallen piece of a plant can take root. In a warm, illuminated place, the rooting process is accelerated. An adult plant can be propagated by tuber division.


The perennial shrub, which is also called "wild pepper", has nothing to do with this culture. Rather, it is a close relative of the tomato. In order for the plant to bear fruit at home, it needs good lighting, but without direct sunlight on the leaf plates. It prefers a moderate temperature - 20-25 ° С, clean humidified air. In spring and summer, capsicum should be plentiful and often watered; in autumn, in winter, the volume of liquid should be reduced twice.

Propagated in a generative way and cuttings. Before sowing, seeds are soaked for several hours in potassium permanganate and placed in a wet cloth. When they form roots, you can transfer the material into the ground. Cuttings can be rooted, immediately placed in the substrate.

Clerodendrum Thomson

Climbing vine at home can grow by 2.5 m in length. Dark green leaves densely strew the stem. Clerodendrum Thomson favorably with other types of original flowers. Small lanterns form five white sepals, a red bell with a folded petal sprouts nearby.

The plant has excellent adaptability. To ensure abundant flowering requires careful maintenance. The flower will develop in any light, the number and brightness of the inflorescences can be reduced on the northern windowsill. A suitable summer temperature is 22–25 ° C, in the winter 15 ° C. A cool wintering is necessary for partial discharge of leaves and proper flowering next year. In spring and summer, plenty of moisture is needed. Легко размножается черенками, но возможно и высевание.


Ампельное растение отличается простой культивацией, но не пользуется большой популярностью среди любителей комнатных цветов. Она бывает разных сортов. Встречаются виды с красивыми красными, оранжевыми, бордовыми цветами.

Koleriya unpretentious, with proper care can bloom continuously. She feels well with sufficient humidity and moderate temperature. A photophilous plant does not tolerate direct sun. Hanging pots are best located half a meter from the windowsill. In winter, during the formation of kaleria buds, it is necessary to ensure the temperature to 12 ° C. In addition to frequent watering, spraying is required.

The plant quickly forms roots, therefore the easiest way of reproduction is cutting. Overgrown flowers can be divided at root level. Also use seeding.


Representatives of the cactus family can often be found on the window sills of the florist. Like other species, lobiviya loves light, tolerates temperature drops, can grow for a long time without moisture. But if the plant is grown for flowering, it certainly needs good care.

In the summer, it is better to take out the cactus on the balcony or in the garden, and in the winter to put it in a cool place. This process contributes to the budding of the buds for flowering. Watering begins exactly from the moment of their appearance. Propagation can be accomplished by side shoots ("kids") or with the help of seeds. The cuttings are rooted in wet sand, seeds are sown in a superficial way.

Muraya (murraya)

The snow-white flowers of the ornamental tree smell of jasmine. The tree trunk can grow alone or in the form of a bush. At home, Muraye needs care on the following list:

  • Watering moderate. You can increase moisture in hot weather;
  • Humidity is high. Frequent spraying will be required;
  • Top dressing. Alternation of complex, mineral fertilizers;
  • Scattered light. Do not allow direct contact of the sun with the leaves of the plant;
  • Annual pruning of the crown. Separated cuttings are rooted, used for replanting.


Oleander is rarely used for home greenhouses due to the high content of poison in its leaves and the strong aroma of flowers. It will perfectly fit into the spacious office hall, decorate the shopping center area. The plant is shade-loving, so it is better to place it away from the window. In the summer it should be watered abundantly. Water drained into the pan should remain in it until complete evaporation.

The easiest breeding option is grafting. Experienced flower growers can resort to seed planting and division by layering. All development processes of a young oleander should take place in good light and at a temperature not lower than 20 ° C.

Phalaenopsis Orchid

A beautiful flower is able to grow well at home, unpretentious in the care. Optimal illumination for the orchid is the morning rays and the muffled light of the setting sun. Every two weeks the pot with the flower must be turned to form a straight stalk. Acceptable temperature range coincides with the microclimate of the apartment. Phalaenopsis should be watered twice a week in the summer, in the winter - as the substrate dries.

To multiply an orchid is very difficult. Scions are rarely formed, and seed planting requires sterility of greenhouse laboratories. Faded flower stalks are cut, disinfected, wrapped in moss and sealed in a jar. Most of the fragments will die, but there is a chance that a young leaf will appear on some.


The evergreen stemless perennial is also called "Teschin tongue" because of the acute, oblong shape of the leaves. In early spring, the plant blooms with small star-shaped flowers. Vigorous non-capricious greens are ideal for breeding novice growers. It accepts both natural and artificial lighting, and adapts well to normal air humidity. It is necessary to water sansevieriya after full drying of the earth.

The plant propagates in a vegetative way - cuttings, dividing the bush. Without waiting for the appearance of the roots, parts of the flower can be planted in peat soil.

Saintpaulias or Saintpaulias

Growing violets on the windowsill has some peculiarities. Unsuitable conditions lead to the death of a capricious plant. So that it does not lose its decorative effect and continues to bloom, it cannot be left in the sun for a long time. It is better to fill the lack of lighting with artificial devices. It is necessary to eliminate drafts and sudden changes in temperature. Water moderately, avoiding the ingress of water on the plant.

For reproduction using leaf cuttings. A healthy leaf is cut and rooted in water. Also produce division stepchildren. It is carefully separated from the stem and transferred to a peat tablet. New, rare varieties are removed from seeds.


Evergreen spathiphyllum perfectly take root in any environment. Its main advantage is simplicity and ease of care. The flower prefers shade and does not tolerate drafts. It can stay indoors for a long time without experiencing growth problems. The plant must often be watered and sprayed, creating a semblance of a tropical microclimate.

They grow beautiful spathiphyllum more often in non-residential premises (cabinets, staircases) due to the poisonous properties of its leaves. Propagated by vegetative and seed method.

Sprekelia and Euharis

Almost all bulbous house plants have similar requirements for care. Flowering spricel can begin in April and last until June. Two days after blooming, the red flower is showered. Then exclude watering, collect seeds and remove the bulb for storage. Propagated by seeds and "kids".

Euharis blooms from February to March. White flowers look beautiful and bloom alternately, so its flowering can be considered long. Good lighting to the plant is required especially in a dormant period. When the euharis drops the last petals, it is restricted and watered in a semi-dry condition. Propagated by dividing the bush and daughter bulbs.


Beautiful stefanotis quite capricious in the care. Evergreen creeper blooms with five-petal white stars. For the successful growth of domesticated vines, it is necessary to create partial shade. The formation of buds is favorably influenced by the off-season temperature. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the irrigation regime - in the summer to humidify plentifully, in spring and autumn it is moderate.

At home, stefanotis propagated by cuttings. Better root apical young shoots. Seed method is rarely used because of the complexity of the formation of the boxes.


All varieties of ficus love the sun, with the exception of a dwarf group. It is not recommended to move often from place to place, leave it in a draft. The frequency of watering is regulated depending on the temperature in the room. Moisten only need to dry to the touch substrate.

Plants multiply vegetatively. Root can be apical, stem cuttings, leaves, use aerial cuttings. Each method fits a particular type of flower.


A viable, unpretentious plant can withstand all conditions of detention. It grows well in different lighting conditions, in the temperature range of 15-30 ° C. It likes moist soil, so watering in the summer should be regular. No special requirements for moisture. Can be considered as a street decor.

Separating Chlorophytum is easy when transplanting by the method of outlet separation. Also for reproduction using young shoots. Some types of plants do not form "kids". In this case, use seed sowing.

Hoya Carnose

Unpretentious, flowering plant grows rapidly in the home. Does not need abundant moisture - watering only as the soil dries. Light plant should be enough, otherwise the buds fall off and the leaves grow dull.

Hoiu often propagated by cuttings from the top of the stems. Choose a suitable liana and cut 10 cm. For rooting, cuttings with buds are suitable. You can also get a new plant from a leaflet or an air layer.

Blooming Kalanchoe

In order for the plant to bloom profusely and for a long time, it should be placed on the southern window-sill, slightly priten from the sun. Pour in small portions once a week. In the period of the ovary of flowers, Kalanchoe is carried out to fresh air, just like euphorbia. After dumping the flowers, they provide peace and provide an opportunity to increase the green mass.

After flowering from the plant, you can separate the new planting material. Cut the stalk from the top of the stem and root it. You can also plant seedlings from the seeds of flowering kalanchoe.


Breeding indoor plants - one of the most enjoyable and useful hobby. The process of self-cultivation of fresh flowers fully satisfies the need to communicate with nature. Any "green corner" can have an amazing view with minimal time costs. You only need to organize the proper care of indoor plants.

Watch the video: 15 Best Indoor Flowering Plants - Better Home & Garden (April 2024).

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